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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

     Uhhhhhhhh.....forgot I had a blog I guess? I've been so busy! Homeschooling, babysitting, and my own classes have sucked up every spare moment of time that I'm not cooking, cleaning, or collapsing from exhaustion. That's right--I've got a fourteen week old fetus who's only mission in life at this point is to make me fall asleep when I sit down.

     Anyways. Christmas!

     Christmas Eve Eve was spent driving around looking at Christmas lights and drinking hot chocolate. We saw some amazing houses!! My favorite featured just about every Christmas character from classic holiday movies--it was nuts! Here's part of it:
Only had to go through seventy blurry photos to find that one....

     Then my husband prepared an amazing dinner on Christmas Eve after which we read stories by the fire and watched a movie. Everyone also got to open one present. I mistakenly opened socks and the girls opened matching pajamas. They had only asked to get my husband one thing: footie pajamas. After searching everywhere (even online) and not finding anything satisfactory, I'd told them we'd have to wait to get them for his birthday. Then, on a last second Target trip, we spotted some!! He wore them most of the evening and peeled them off after the girls went to bed.

     I'm not sure if it was my compressed bladder protesting or my excitement for the kids reactions but I woke up at 4am, 5:30am, and finally at 6am and then patiently waited for the kids to wake up. They chose Christmas morning to sleep in until 7:00.

     Aubree only asked for one thing this year: a Barbie that looked like a queen. Santa delivered.
     Raulee only asked for "a snow globe that played a song" and recieved one from her grandparents. After all of the presents were opened we discovered a note in the tree:
So we all ran outside and you'll never guess what was on the roof!
Well played, Santa.
Pure joy:

     The rest of our Christmas was spent just like any other:  crashing bikes into the house, beating eachother up with the girls' new boxing gloves, and eating way, way too many meatballs. (Or maybe that was just me.)


  1. Sounds like the perfect Christmas! Tell Travis I said he can really rock those PJs! Did Festus (the fetus) get anything??
    Keep on writing!

  2. It WAS the perfect Christmas!! And no, the fetus only got the meatballs.

  3. That Santa...too lazy to make a second trip. LOVE the look on her face about the bikes!!
